Evangel's IB Economics Blog

Posts Tagged ‘World

Out of Canada, Japan, Costa Rica, and Sweden, the top ranked economies by other presenters, I believe that Costa Rica is the best economy of the world. I think what really matters is life satisfaction. Of these four countries, Costa Rica ranked first. Also, Costa Rica is adequately good in every criteria in our powerpoint.

Economics and Money (Photo by Terry Healy)

Although I have not studied Economics yet, I am very interested in this subject.

I believe that Economics is an inevitable part of our lives today. It is not an exaggeration to say that money makes the world go around. However, I do not have proper knowledge on how Economics play a big role in our society. By taking IB Economics HL course, I look forward to discover and understand the reasons behind the happenings in the world.

Secondly, everyone makes economic decisions everyday. Economics is related to every choice we make from whether to get Starbucks or Tully’s to more complicated government issues. As Calvin Coolidge stated: “Economy is the method by which we prepare today to afford the improvements of tomorros,” I believe that knowledge on Economics can help me make wiser choices throughout my life. Things I learn in this course will certainly allow me to gain insights into the real world economic problems that would be difficult to solve without the knowledge on Economics.

Lastly, I was interested in Economics since I was in ninth grade. At that time, I was not sure what the field of Economics was. However, I was attracted irresistibly to this subject. I look forward to this two year course.


"Economics is not about things and tangible material objects; it is about men, their meanings and actions."


July 2024


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